Monday, February 21, 2005

The first photo session..

I went for my first photo session today. And I liked it.

~ Ankur.


Anonymous said...

Aah! There you are with the outputs from your sunday excursions. But definetly there will be more to it. Where are the rest? Or they were not good enough to figure in here? hmmm... But do follow my advice - Stay away from Taxi :))!

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Taxi????


Anonymous said...

I dont think if there is anything right with TAXI!

He always gives you crappy advices!

There are better people then Taxi!

my anonymity continues!

Pranav said...

don't you say anything 'crappy' about Taxi (or the crappy advices he's given). Taxi's a nice man X-(

Pranav, who has no need to be anoymous

Ankur Shrivastava said...

Hello Anonymous and pc boy,

I will try and have my personal style in photography, and hear Taxi's advice but not necessarily follow them.

I think that solves the problem for both of you. Now, stop the bloodshed :P

~ Ankur.

Pranav said...

hee hee.. it was fun :)