Thursday, February 17, 2005


Digicam boy is also here now. And making good use of it, this is the photograph of the 'oh so talked about, now never mention it again' laptop:

And here is the cool red reebok bag to carry it around (or rather to 'keep it secret, keep it safe'):

And if you can really appreciate the art, you can see a glimpse of the cam within this logo:


Apart from all this, commenting becomes friendlier on Blogger. Extremely easy now. That's what I like - enhancement of one's product on a regular basis. That's why I like Blogger over LJ, but that discussion had been closed a long time ago.

~ Ankur.


Anonymous said...

Nice pics:) I ike your camera;);) And slowcoach....Gurgaon has a countryside? I never noticed!!

Ankur Shrivastava said...

Yes, am loaded now. Pics - very soon.

As far as the laptop getting flicked, unfortunately (or fortunately?!) my blog doesn't have that great readership for this to happen! Maybe I should actually join!

BTW lakesidey, don't these pics seem blurred/disfigured? Is that bcos I reduced the size too much? Let me check.

sA, you do need a laptop :P

~ Ankur.

Anonymous said...

I like the BAG!

You didn`t took the photography course at IDC! ok...try and try again! you will sure get better!

I am the one anonymous!

Anonymous said...

why in the world you need to have so many icons on the desktop....

The bailed out boy

Ankur Shrivastava said...

Maybe I am shifting from being a vertically organized person to a horizontally organized guy!

~ Ankur.