Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Hell, am I in heaven?!

Man, am I walking the clouds these days! I have got my laptop now, and it's here right now - right under my fingers, and this is my first post using it :D

I have gone geeker too since its arrival. Have configured the Internet connection on my comp as a shared one, so that I can use it through this thing also. Now, what I need is just a long LAN wire, or a small wireless setup, so that I can use it from anywhere within my home, for as much time - since it is a flat rate connection. I have started using blog aggregators with some ease now, which have made my life as a reader much easier. And now that I have started using them, I notice what a great thing they are! They bring everything to you - blogs, news, cartoon strips, editorials, any information you want, rather than you going to each of them. Everything has a similar future anyways now - reach out to the consumer. That's why information through wireless devices is the hottest thing. Those who can facilitate that, are in the race. But this is almost the present - one can make any information he wants reach him in real-time. The next generation is where one doesn't even have to do that. No need to even set up what you want everywhere, so that it may reach you by itself later - now they'll just review the pattern of information one accesses and present only that sort of stuff to you. Those who'll do that too, will win the race.

I wait for the day when I'll set up a login on an aggregator like Bloglines, and it'll scan my internet history, or cookies, or whatever, and tell me that these are the places I visit most often, and I might want to subscribe to their feeds. And then it'll say that my Google search pattern shows I am interested in such stuff, while the content on my hard drive says I am interested in such and such stuff too, and the most popular feeds on those topics are these and these, so would I like to subscribe to them too? And I'll say - Good going dude, ya subscribe me to them. But then that'll be too much information, and I would like to know stuff in real-time, so it'll then say - Don't worry sir, we'll send sms to you as soon as the feed of your very special interest is generated. And I'll say - Now you're talking! All the information, and no need to go anywhere.

Later, some programs will come up which will say that there is still too much information, and they'll filter all that for me using my recent online information behaviour patterns, and present only that information which they think is most relevant at present. Then there will be programs that'll hide one's online information patterns related to specific subjects which one doesn't want these sniffer programs to detect, and will be information firewalls for us. In the end there will be studies on how such things have increased psyschosomatic diseases in humans, and other studies on the growing number of schizophrenic disorders in children. All this will be combined with crazy dotcoms which will say 'Find out how many people are having exactly the same information patterns as you are doing today!' And then Google will again come up with something revolutionary.

Well, that was future for you. Presently, I just need an aggregator which can get me the feed of the comments posted on the blogs in addition to the blog feed. And I really have no hopes from Bloglines, which has let itself being taken over by a loser like Ask Jeeves.

~ Ankur.


Duskylight said...

Now, what I need is just a long LAN wire, or a small wireless setup, so that I can use it from anywhere within my homeWhy don't you just get a wireless router and connect all the computers around your place to it (i meant you and Anti)


Anonymous said...

Have you actually used Ask Jeeves lately or are you a Google sheep? Read all the comments on places like Search Engine Watch and They have respect from people who know about search engines now.

Ankur Shrivastava said...

I think you are from that class of people who say - I have never understood the near-manic obsession everyone has with Google. Well, I've read those reviews too, but my comment comes because of the following:

1. I guess you know of something called a 'right to dissent' - what everyone says is, is not what I think is. I feel Ask Jeeves has behaved like a loser for most of their life.

2. I do not find Ask Jeeves to be a great innovator, considering they were early starters in this business - this is a user's perspective.

3. Ask Jeeves guys started blogging so very recently, which I find ridiculous for someone in such a business. Moreover, they post stuff like - whoever wants a free-tshirt, mail this guy.

4. They've taken over Bloglines, which I think can do much better than what it is doing now. For that matter, none of the aggregators I know of, are offering what I think they should be offering. I use Bloglines because it might be the better of the lot, and I haven't yet searched for a better aggregator.

~ Ankur.